1. My name is Anna Isabel Lyons.
2. I'm Hispanic.
3. My favorite color is purple.
4. I do not like most birds.
5. I hate Mike Jones.
6. My hair is longer than it's ever been (besides when i was like three).
7. I love pastels.
8. Not oil pastels.
9. I love the movies.
10. I used to go to UNT.
11. I hate when ppl mix up there/their/they're. It kills me.
12. I hate the "lol" expression though I use it frequently (lately).
13. I have lost quite a few people in my life.
14. To drugs, alcohol, and suicide.
15. I have almost lost myself.
16. That's about as personal as I'm gonna get on this thing. LOL(ugh.)
17. My favorite food is sopita de arroz.
18. I miss my family from Spain.
19. I have encountered many near wrecks due to sky/tree gazing.
20. I am very appreciative of everything/everyone around me.
21. Life is beautiful in every way (every single way) and I know that. And you should too.
22. I admire honest wisdom. If that makes sense.
23. I am so open minded it's stupid.
24. I think red hair is just gorgeous.
25. My little sister is kick ass.
26. Hopefully I'm going to Rome this summer.
27. I believe that no matter what, things will work out.
28. I am watching that 70s show
29. I wish people understood contemporary art a bit more.
30. I cannot eat Gold Fish.
31. Pretzels.
32. Cheese-Its.
33. Those cheese crackers w/ the peanut butter.
34. The texture of those foods makes me cringe.
35. I listen to Bob Marley every morning.
36. I actually love getting all dolled up and going out... just not at school!
37. I'm 21.
38. It doesn't really matter, my family is Spanish. =D
39. Oh my geez, I'm only on 39.
40. I have black chuck taylors.
41. Green ones.
42. Purple ones.
43. I'm working on a project that is twelve feet tall.
44. For some reason I have led myself to believe that I can finish it by the end of the month.
45. I love driving.
46. I haven't smoked a cigarette in three days. (CG and VAUGHN) geez.
47. I think that the relationship between certain ppl and God (whoever god it may be) is beautiful and it is something that I cannot understand. But I recognize that it is unique and special.
48. I do not have faith in any god. It's just not what I believe.
49. I believe in the universe.
50. I'm a HUGE believer in- no opinion is fact.
51. I wish I could have seen The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, The Meat Puppets, Nirvana, JANIS JOPLIN, JIMI HENDRIX, Louis Armstrong, Miles Davis, Rage Against the Machine, etcetcetc. live.
52. I think John Frusciante is a genius.
53. One time I sat down and mixed paint for fun for four hours straight.
54. I am obsessed with color and how it interacts with... everything. Other colors, emotions, cultures, etc.
55. I curse like a sailor.
56. I have a little puppy named Marley.
57. I sincerely believe that NOTHING compares to chocolate.
58. I wish women (overall) respected themselves more.
59. I cannot STAND racism, sexism, all of that disgusting... shit.
60. I have a cell phone. I'm sure it's possessed.
61. Strawberries are my favorite fruit. Follwed by pears and kiwis.
62. I hate cherry flavored stuff. Just can't do it.
63. I want to live in the ATX.
64. I wish everyone would realize how talented they are.
65. I am so over scary movies. They just make me so angry lately. Just not entertaining anymore.
66. I could never be a surgeon, or anything that would involve me looking at blood for an extended amount of time.
67. I once had sixteen stitches in my FACE. It was horrible and strangely funny.
68. I have a skateboard that I haven't even used this year.
69. I admire and respect my best friends so much, and it's no secret.
70. My boyfriend is the coolest person I have ever met.
71. He takes guitars apart, I paint them, he puts them back together. He's going to guitar making school eventually. I'm excited.
72. I think "ghosts" are really some type of energy that we don't fully understand yet.
73. I bite my nails.
74. I've tried to quit.
75. Failed.
76. I just got bleach on my favorite hoodie.
77. Now I don't know whether to splotch it with bleach all over or not. Might be cool.
78. This is one of my favorite numbers.
79. My mom is the most intelligent person I know. Really.
80. Giraffes are my favorite animal.
81. I used to run track and cross country.
82. I don't know what I would do without sunlight.
83. My best friend is volunteering in New Orleans. I miss her.
84. I wish ads in the U.S. were more sophisticated.
85. I am pretty laid back, but will never let an injustice go. I just can't.
86. The laid back disappears when something is worth my anger. (not a lot is)
87. Besides the number 78, I like the number 4.
88. I used to hate even numbers.
89. I am happy with myself.
90. My socks almost never match.
91. I don't care they are just socks.
92. My dad. Damn good father.
93. I like sunflower seeds and coffee.
94. I drink about 3-4 cups of coffee a day. That's bad, huh?
95. I love boxes of all sorts.
96. I <3 Barack.
97. I think the whole choosing Sarah Palin was John's way of throwing in the towel and having someone to blame his loss on.
98. That's all I'll say about that =]
99. I have been on over 120 airplane flights in my life.
100. Props if you got this far.